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Is joining a gym worth it?

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  • Is joining a gym worth it?

    I'm thinking about joining a gym. Has anyone joined a gym and found it useful? I know why I may not want to join a gym. I'm looking for reasons to do it to help balance my decision. Thanks.

  • #2
    This is all a matter of personal taste. I find that many gyms do not promote a positive and healthy atmosphere. They are competitive, somewhat angry, and intense. I don't feel that I am a part of the culture there and, therefore, all I want to do is leave. This hurts my performance as I am more likely to try to rush through a workout. It also means that I am less likely to want to return so I don't actually exercise as much as I could or should. If you can find a more positive gym experience or if you find that that environment naturally drives you to perform better and go back because you want to keep improving, then this might be right for you.


    • #3
      I personally like my gym. I find it suits my needs and I like all of the different machine options they have. My gym also has a pool and offers different exercise classes. I really think it depends on the type of gym you go to. Some are more high scale than others.


      • #4
        I used to go to a gym, but I found that it really wasn't worth the money after a while because I wasn't going very much. I also found that the main machine I liked using I could buy and just use it at home, which is what I've done. That saved me money and time and I like working out in the comfort of my own home better.


        • #5
          I don't really like gyms. Personally I don't like the idea of paying to use other equipment that has been used and sweated on by others. That's me being a bit of a hypochondriac and nitpicky, I know, but that's how I feel. I also don't really like working out where strangers can see me.


          • #6
            Hmm...more people seem against the idea of joining a gym than for it..including eT. I guess I'll just go with my gut, save my money and continue with my at-home exercises.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Speeddemon View Post
              Hmm...more people seem against the idea of joining a gym than for it..including eT. I guess I'll just go with my gut, save my money and continue with my at-home exercises.
              I think it’s all in what you think you would use, Speeddemon. A very good friend of mine and her boyfriend go to the gym all the time and they love it. They go before work in the morning and like the social aspect and that there are trainers there in case they need a professional opinion. A lot of people really like them. After all, that’s why there are so many gyms! It’s up to you whether you think you’ll use it or not.


              • #8
                Bethie, hmmm....maybe if I had someone to go with me I would feel differently about going to the gym. Do you go to the gym? If so, would you like company? LOL I still don't know if the gym really is for me. I guess I could give it a try. Maybe I should ask for a membership for Christmas or something. Perhaps if I don't waste my own money on it, I won't be so ticked if it turns out to be a bust.


                • #9
                  You're right, a person to go with you is probably the best motivation that you can have to go. Plus you have that support so that you don't feel as much like an embarrassing new person if you're not alone. LOL I'd go with you but I'm always really embarrassed about myself at the gym. The people there look too great!


                  • #10
                    Ya. that always makes me laugh. It's like only good looking people head to the gym. I kinda wondered if they are paid by the gym to be there as part of their marketing strategy LOL. I assure you if we went together, I'd be sure to wear hot pink spandex so all eyes would be on me hahaha.


                    • #11
                      You're right! Maybe that's what's going on. How could there be THAT many great looking people at the gym all the time? I don't see that many great looking people at health food stores or even at the community pool. They must be hired professionals to make the gym look like it works You're very funny, Speeddemon...but still, skip the spandex haha!


                      • #12
                        Hahaha. Yes, I'll spare us both and skip the spandex. I'm happy to tell you that I own nothing in spandex. *Shudder*


                        • #13
                          You might find that it helps if you shop around for a gym where you’ll feel comfortable instead of just going to the one that is closest to you. They’re not all over-filled with bodybuilders.

