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part time job/volunteer for weight loss

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  • part time job/volunteer for weight loss

    I have just discovered that one of the best ways to make sure that you will lose weight is to either volunteer or take on a part time job that will let you have all the motivation you need to keep up with an activity and let you lose weight at the exact same time. For example, if you volunteer as a rescue dog walker where you’re required to go at least two or three times per week, then you are guaranteeing to yourself that you will be out there and exercising at least that much every week. The same goes if you take on a part time job like delivering flyers once or twice per week or something like that. You will have the motivation of helping animals, or a few extra dollars or whatever it takes, and then you’ll give yourself added exercise that you’ll feel more dedicated to doing than you would if you just had a gym membership.

  • #2
    That's a really good tip, Bethie


    • #3
      That is a good idea for anyone who has the time to take on a second job or volunteer. There are lots of ways that you can likely help out in your community if you look into it. Doing something for someone else or getting paid while being active is great for weight loss and beyond.


      • #4
        That's a super great idea, Bethie! Getting involved in a regular activity whether its a part time job, volunteering, etc. is an excellent way to make sure you are getting exercise or additional exercise! I have a young daughter and every day we enjoy some outdoor playtime together. She really loves to play soccer, so I figured I might as well spend some quality time with my daughter running and kicking around a ball in the yard. It gets us both outside, we have a great time together, and it's a lot of fun. When you're enjoying what you're doing, it never feels like a chore


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bethie View Post
          I have just discovered that one of the best ways to make sure that you will lose weight is to either volunteer or take on a part time job that will let you have all the motivation you need to keep up with an activity and let you lose weight at the exact same time. For example, if you volunteer as a rescue dog walker where you’re required to go at least two or three times per week, then you are guaranteeing to yourself that you will be out there and exercising at least that much every week. The same goes if you take on a part time job like delivering flyers once or twice per week or something like that. You will have the motivation of helping animals, or a few extra dollars or whatever it takes, and then you’ll give yourself added exercise that you’ll feel more dedicated to doing than you would if you just had a gym membership.

          Definitely a good suggestion Bethie. Have you picked one of these extra activities for yourself? I wouldn't have the patience to sort newspapers, but dog walking may be an idea. I've always liked dogs, but I don't really have the kind of life that would realistically allow me to own one. I never thought though about being a volunteer dog walker, but your tip here as gotten me thinking about investigating it.


          • #6
            I used to walk dogs but I stopped doing it because it wasn't convenient for me anymore (terrible excuse!). more recently, I've been taking part in ravine cleanups and park cleanups that keep you walking around and picking up trash. Plus it comes with the benefit of having a nicer place to go walking once I'm motivated. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when the winter comes. I might see if I can help the elderly to shovel out driveways or something like that.


            • #7
              Helping the elderly is a good can always go back to dog walking, too haha.You're right though. It is harder to volunteer in the winter. Weather gets in the way. You can always take part in fun winter activities if you can't volunteer like snowshoeing or skating.


              • #8
                I think I'll basically do what I think I can keep up with on a regular and predictable basis. It's not really helpful to places if you volunteer and pretend you're going to be able to keep helping over time and you only show up sporadically. I might be a fair weather walker but I can be a lousy weather shoveller haha. I like snowshoeing and skating but I don't have the drive to do it regularly. That's stuff I do only one or two times a season. That's why I thought volunteering would be a good push.


                • #9
                  Yeah, I hear you. I've never understood why most of us need to feel responsible for something in order to give us the drive to do something. You know, like you go to work because you have to make money and you don't want to get fired, not because you actually want to go. It's sort of the same deal with weight loss. You want to do it because you want to be slimmer, trimmer and healthier - which is great motivation - but the trouble is there isn't a massive threat like getting fired if you slack on your efforts. I think the problem with volunteering and why that doesn't always work for some people is that it's the same issue, it's up to you to go and do it, but if you's not like there's some major penalty. Sure you'll feel guilty and ticked at yourself for a couple of days, but you'll get over it.

                  All that said, I hope volunteering is the right push for you Bethie. Good luck


                  • #10
                    Thanks, Speeddemon. I'm keeping up with it so far. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. It's good when it feels like you're making a difference and you see the results right away...unlike with weight loss haha. I'm still pushing forward!

