Here's something I find interesting. I was going to stop taking my diet pills because I figured the added energy wouldn't be needed while I have to work out from home. But I've found I need it more than ever to get motivated and moving. It's so much easier to just remain a slug all day when I don't leave the house except for a walk.
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Extra Energy for home workouts
Originally posted by PamelaPoison View PostHere's something I find interesting. I was going to stop taking my diet pills because I figured the added energy wouldn't be needed while I have to work out from home. But I've found I need it more than ever to get motivated and moving. It's so much easier to just remain a slug all day when I don't leave the house except for a walk.
Originally posted by Freddy View Post
Me too! Why it is when we do nothing we feel so lazy?? Is it cause we're feeling slightly depressed or is it something else??
I think it's definitely a good idea to continue taking diet pills if they are giving you motivation to move.
We really are guinea pigs for our own lives right now. It's hard to know what to assume because we've never lived like this before. I started off eating so much and barely exercising and I thought my diet was ruined. Now, I'm eating a lot but it's healthier than ever because I'm cooking a lot more. I'm also exercising at least once per day. At least! It's a regular part of my day I look forward to because I feel so good after.
Originally posted by KittyKatt View PostWe really are guinea pigs for our own lives right now. It's hard to know what to assume because we've never lived like this before. I started off eating so much and barely exercising and I thought my diet was ruined. Now, I'm eating a lot but it's healthier than ever because I'm cooking a lot more. I'm also exercising at least once per day. At least! It's a regular part of my day I look forward to because I feel so good after.Now that the weather is getting better, I'm really enjoying exercising outside
Originally posted by BabyButtons View Post
Me too! I've also been feeling really good from exercising.Now that the weather is getting better, I'm really enjoying exercising outside
Originally posted by enviroTodd View Post
Being able to go outside for your workouts makes them feel a lot less like exercising and a lot more like just enjoying yourself . I find that sunlight and fresh air makes me forget that I had to drag myself out for a walk or a jog. Once I'm out there I feel a lot better overall. More free. I hope that feeling continues even when it's oven-hot out this summer.
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Originally posted by BabyButtons View Post
Me, too! The trees are really starting to bloom here. It's so nice to see...even if my nose isn't thrilled with the pollen LOL!
Originally posted by enviroTodd View Post
That's true about the pollen. Have you tried eating foods to naturally help keep your histamine levels down? What about eating local honey to keep your body accustomed to certain local pollens? Far from a cure but every little bit adds up. Enjoy the fresh air and I'll keep my fingers crossed about your allergies.