I know that this is a non-prescription product, but should you talk to your doctor before you take this pill? I thought it would be OK to just take it but my cousin is urging me to go to the doctor and bring it up with him before I take it. I really don't see the point and I hate the hassle involved in going to see him. What would you do?
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Should you talk to your doctor first?
You should always talk to your doctor before starting a new pill of any kind. Even a dietary supplement. Even exercise videos tell you to talk to your doctor first! I personally didn't do that, I talked to my pharmacist about it. I realize that I should have talked to my doctor, though. I just happened to get lucky and I was just fine with itTell your cousin that Bethie says they're smart
Your doctor should be consulted before you change anything. If you read the fine print on pretty much any diet, diet pill, diet book, or weight loss/fitness video, they all tell you to speak with your doctor before starting it. THere's a reason those labels are there. It's so the companies don't end up with lawsuits because a person's individual problems made the product unsafe. You won't know if you're one of those people unless you speak with a professional, first.