I just discovered I look slimmer if I have a black or blue background in my pictures and I look a lot larger if I have a white background. If you do decide to take pictures of yourself to monitor your progress, pay attention to the background wall color and try to stick to the same one throughout. That way you won’t think you look better or worse just because of the background and not because of the way you actually look.
I thought I was doing well because I always wore the same thing and I tried for the same lighting but then I discovered the wall color was playing a role. There are a lot of factors to consider. Be very careful before you actually trust photos and remember that it’s not really a specific science.
I thought I was doing well because I always wore the same thing and I tried for the same lighting but then I discovered the wall color was playing a role. There are a lot of factors to consider. Be very careful before you actually trust photos and remember that it’s not really a specific science.