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Let's make our own diet motivation program

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  • Let's make our own diet motivation program

    I’ve just had a thought. I’ve found this forum very motivating, so I thought it might be fun for us to be able to check in to this thread with some updates as to our results so that we can give each other a pat on the back (and a “like” on occasion, too haha).

    You can share how much you’ve lost this week, this month, overall, or update as to whether or not the diet program you chose is working. Let’s keep each other going!

  • #2
    Sounds good, brightstar. I’ve took FenFast for just over three months (I stopped just after the holidays) and in total I lost 30 pounds. While taking it I lowered the amount of calories I was eating so I wasn’t going over the amount I needed a day and I joined a gym. I’ll admit, it really wasn’t easy at first, but I’m really happy with my results. So far, I’ve been keeping the weight that I lost off. It’s been three weeks since I quit Fenfast.


    • #3
      I've taken Trimthin for 4 months and have lost 40 pounds. I switch between yoga and cardio workouts every other day. I haven't done much to my diet other than limited the amount that I eat, and it's seemed to work so far

