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Has Anyone tried the Zone Diet?

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  • Has Anyone tried the Zone Diet?

    Has anyone heard of The Zone Diet, or has anyone ever tried it? From what I've read about it, it looks pretty interesting. I'm trying to find a diet program that I think will be manageable and make sense to my lifestyle. Although it's a high-protein, low-carb and fat controlled diet program, it's not supposed to be as restrictive as other types of diet programs. Is this true? Has anyone had any success with this? Should I give it a try or should I just avoid it?

  • #2
    I've got to say, JokerzWild, I've never heard of this diet before. I'll be interested to see what others have to say about it. Based on your micro description of it, it actually sounds a bit like Atkins.


    • #3
      It's a really great diet if you have a fortune to spend on your food. The food tastes good and it's very convenient but I gotta say, it's like going to a restaurant for every meal in terms of the bill you pay! Not quite worth it in my books but I can see the benefits for someone else.


      • #4
        That's exactly what the Zone diet does, JokerzWild. It makes dieting really easy. It means you never need to think about what you're going to eat. You just have it all made for you and delivered to you. So you just choose from their menu and then eat your three meals and your snacks from them. The only willpower you need is not to eat any other food except the stuff they send you. It saves a huge amount of time, too, because you never need to cook!


        • #5
          I tried this diet and it really didn't work for me. It wasn't really the diet's fault, I was just more hungry and ate beyond what I ordered. My willpower with food sucks lol. Hope it works for you though. Good luck.


          • #6
            I've never heard of this diet. I'm very interested though, must do some research. Thanks for bringing it to my attention


            • #7
              Originally posted by PamelaPoison View Post
              That's exactly what the Zone diet does, JokerzWild. It makes dieting really easy. It means you never need to think about what you're going to eat. You just have it all made for you and delivered to you. So you just choose from their menu and then eat your three meals and your snacks from them. The only willpower you need is not to eat any other food except the stuff they send you. It saves a huge amount of time, too, because you never need to cook!
              Interesting, I think I'll check it out. Thanks for the information!

