I've been doing well at losing weight, but while I'm happy when I step on the scale, I can't say that I'm all that wild about the lose skin I have left behind however. Is there a way to get rid of that?
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Loose Skin: Does it go away?
Some of it will go away through exercise, and this may take some time. However, depending on how much loose skin you have, you may be stuck with itSome people who drop hundreds of pounds require surgery to help them remove some of their excess skin. If it is something that is a big concern for you, talk to you doctor. He or she may be able to provide you with a solution.
Lady Greenfairy is right. It all depends on how much loose skin you have. I had a bit in the middle of my belly and under my arms and it looked GROSS. But I've been toning, hydrating, and treating that skin really well. I massage good moisturizing products into those areas twice a day. It has made a big difference.
Originally posted by brightstar View PostI had loose skin when I lost the majority of the weight that came off me. My main problem now isn't loose skin. That has been going away. But now that it has reached a better size, what's left behind is stretch marks. It's so embarrassing!
Ya, stretch marks are the bane of my existence! I wish there was a way to get rid of them.
Some loose skin does and some does not. For some the only way to get ride of it is surgery. However, with the right exercise most people can get rid of the excess skin they have hanging around once they've lost the weight. Just don't expect miracles to happen overnight. It will take time for your body to readjust and, yes, you will likely have stretchmarks. However, I personally would prefer the stretchmarks to having to tuck loose skin into my pants.
It can go away but like brightstar said u often end up with stretchmarks. Ive got some of those & while i dont think they are the prettiest in the world theyre mine so i have to love them anyway cause theyre a part of me. I think of them as a badge of honour cause as much as they r a reminder that i used to be really overweight they r also a reminder of all the weight ive lost & how far ive come & how hard i worked 2 be healthier. Now when i see them i just smile.
Originally posted by BabyButtons View PostIt can go away but like brightstar said u often end up with stretchmarks. Ive got some of those & while i dont think they are the prettiest in the world theyre mine so i have to love them anyway cause theyre a part of me. I think of them as a badge of honour cause as much as they r a reminder that i used to be really overweight they r also a reminder of all the weight ive lost & how far ive come & how hard i worked 2 be healthier. Now when i see them i just smile.
My sister ended up with stretch marks after she had my nephew and she calls them tiger stripes. I think that’s the way that people should see the parts of themselves that the world can call imperfections. If you weren’t supposed to look like that, Mother Nature wouldn’t have created you that way.
As to loose skin, make sure to eat foods with omega 3s or at least take good quality supplements. That and hydration help a lot.
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Thanks for all of the advice. I'm hopeful that my loose skin will go away. I actually won't mind the stretchmarks. I'd prefer that than tucking skin in my pants!
Babybutton and enviroTodd - those were both very positive statements and I agree with you both. Thanks for that
Originally posted by enviroTodd View Post
That is a beautiful attitude BabyButtons. It is refreshing to hear that a woman has actually embraced her natural form. That said, it is probably easier for you than most people since your natural form is such an attractive one.
My sister ended up with stretch marks after she had my nephew and she calls them tiger stripes. I think that’s the way that people should see the parts of themselves that the world can call imperfections. If you weren’t supposed to look like that, Mother Nature wouldn’t have created you that way.
As to loose skin, make sure to eat foods with omega 3s or at least take good quality supplements. That and hydration help a lot.
Lol! Tiger stripes i love that! Aww u know just how 2 make me feel even better about my stertchies envirotodd. But ya its important 2 be happy with ur body & the things u cant change about it. U feel a lot better about urself when u can let go of all the shame & disapointment cause u realize theres no point feeling bad about the body u have. It was meant 2 be yours. All u have 2 do is feel beautiful.
Glad 2 help wolfmoon
It is very important to feel positive about your body. Body image is one of several vital components to our overall self confidence and, therefore, to our ability to fully embrace positive emotions. If you feel like you are ugly, it is hard to be able to go out and be your best. The problem that people have isn't in being pretty or ugly, it is in visualizing themselves as pretty or ugly. Those are perfectly subjective topics. What one person thinks is stunning is hideous to someone else. So we need to tell ourselves that we are good looking in our own way. It's not an easy process, especially at the start, but if it is kept up it can make a meaningful difference. Furthermore, even studies have shown that people - regardless of what physical features they actually have - are seen as being more attractive by others simply because they are confident within their own forms. To me, that says something important.
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That was really well said envirotodd & very very true. People who r confident in how they look r more attractive. U notice them because they r not afraid of showing themselves 2 the world. I also find that when people r happy they r very attractive. It isnt an easy process though. Even though i finally am comfortable with how i look there r still days when i just feel ugly. Ive learned that having a healthy mind is just as important as having a healthy body.
I don’t think you should ever feel ugly, BabyButtons. You’re the kind of person who looks good no matter what. Your personality on its own is enough to make you more attractive than most people.
The problem that people have is definitely confidence, though. They need to try to remember to like themselves, to stop focusing on foolish little flaws, and to dress and groom themselves in a way that they feel good. I don’t know exactly how women go about choosing their clothing – it’s always been a mystery to me (and probably most men) – but when a woman is wearing something that she’s not comfortable in, it’s very obvious. She may think that she’s showing off something great about herself but if she’s not actually comfortable in it, all you can see is that she’s always adjusting things or is covering something or flaunting something too much. I love the look of sexy heels on women, but when they look like they’re stumbling around on stilts, that’s all I see, not that the person looks good. It’s important to dress for yourself. Then the rest of the world will see what you see.
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