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What's the best exercise with Fenfast?
Hi everyone! I was wondering what exercise would work best with FenFast. I am trying to get in shape and burn off as many calories I can (within reason),...
All Natural Diet Better?
Is a diet based only on whole foods and all natural foods better for weight loss than one that has the same calories but is in those diet meal progra...
Does Fasting Slim Your Middle?
I’ve been reading a lot about fasting diets lately. They’re the ones where you skip food for a day per week (though you can still have...
No more elevators
I’ve just decided that the best way to help myself to lose weight without having to cut out any more calories is to eliminate all use of elevators...
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What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight?
22It’s been a couple of weeks since my last poll, so I figured it’s time for another one.
Recently I asked a friend why he was...
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Cookies for weight loss
Does anyone know a cookie recipe that won't hinder my weight loss progress. Cookies are my favourite treat, but lots of the recipes I have are really...
What is the hardest part of losing weight?
19Sticking to a new food diet5.26%1Reducing food consumption26.32%5Keeping up with exercise21.05%4Finding the motivation to stay on track21.05%4All of the above21.05%4Other (please indicate)5.26%1People find losing weight difficult for various reasons, and it is often these difficulties that result in people quitting and giving up on their weight...
raw vs cooked for weight loss
Over the last few days, it has been very hot where I live, so I haven't used the stove or the oven to cook anything because I don't want to heat the place...